Welcome to Bochum!

We are delighted to welcome you back to Bochum for the DGG Annual Meeting after 15 years. As usual, we offer a forum for discussions on all topics of geophysics. Reports from students on their final theses are just as welcome as outstanding results from major research projects.


In addition to the established subject areas, we will be focusing on topics that have a special connection to geophysical research in Bochum. In four plenary lectures, renowned scientists will present their work on tectonic geodesy, exploration of the Earth's deep interior, induced polarization and induced seismicity.


In addition to the scientific program, numerous companies will be presenting their work. We would like to thank you in advance for your participation; without your sponsorship, much of what is on offer here would not be possible. Events especially for students and young scientists and, of course, the traditional social evening round off the program.


The city of Bochum lies at the center of a region in transition. The research institutions located here are particularly dedicated to questions of the heat transition, a topic that will be the focus of the evening lecture and the SEG-DGG workshop “Geophysical Exploration in Urban Environments” following the conference.


We look forward to welcoming you in Bochum.


Jörg Renner and the conference team 


1. Zirkular (in German)
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 341.4 KB
SEG-DGG Workshop Flyer
Flyer of the SEG-DGG workshop
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 408.4 KB